The #1 Tip To Shift A Stressful Situation

The #1 Tip To Shift A Stressful Situation

The #1 Tip To Shift A Stressful Situation |

When was the last time that you completely lost yourself to a stressful situation? It happened to me this past weekend, the day of my Whole Food Retreat. Luckily, it did not last too long.

The night before my event, I was up late preparing and gathering everything that I needed. I had post-it’s and lists ready to go for the morning.

I woke up early, went through my lists, grabbed my super smoothie, and ran out the door.

I was driving for almost 40 minutes when all of the sudden it hit me, I FORGOT MY LAPTOP!

OMG, the most important thing that I needed was not with me. Panic struck!

I called my husband. “Babe, you won’t believe it. I forgot my computer. How could I do that? What am I going to do?”

My husband calmly replied, “Kristen, stop. Practice what you know. What is the solution to this problem?” That simple question allowed me to step out of panic and into a plan.

I quickly came up with my solution and instantly felt all of the panic leave my body. Everything ended up working out just fine.

This weekend, I experienced the power of what a simple reminder to stay positive and focus on solutions can do in a stressful situation.

Remember, there are always going to be things that “go wrong” in life, but it’s essential to have tools to get through those moments without unnecessary anxiety or worry.

I’ve decided to put a post it in my car that says:


My day could have unfolded much differently if I didn’t choose to change my perception of the situation.

If there’s a problem that you are dealing with, identify the solution to it right NOW and come up with a plan.

From this moment on, focus only on your solution.  It will kick that anxiety to the curb.

Enjoy this precious day!

With love,

Kristen xx



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