The Secret to Creating Financial Abundance Doing What You Love

The Secret to Creating Financial Abundance Doing What You Love

Imagine waking up and loving what you do for a living. 

Getting paid to help people and impact this world in a big way.

If that’s a dream for you, it can be your reality.

Today, I’m going to share 3 tips on how to make that happen.

First, it’s so important to know that your life’s work is so much more than a job.

It’s work you’re driven by and it’s full of your deepest passions and desires.

And when you connect this type of work with a genuine desire to serve others, you have the ability to create financial wealth and freedom in your life – no doubt!

Here are the first steps to begin to do this:

First, identify what your purpose is.

Think about what you’re most passionate about and how you’d like to serve.

Think about the things you’d do if you didn’t have to work and how you’d give back to others if you could.

Then, think of your life experiences. What struggles have you gone through that you could potentially help another through?

When asking yourself these questions, you’ll begin to find that there’s information that ties into the work you’re meant to do in this lifetime. 

Next, you’ll need to find the universal need that you can match your gift up with.

For example:

A client of mine, Corinne, had no idea what she was meant to do. 

But, after doing some deep clarifying work, she realized that her deepest passion was photography and that she valued family as well as having family photos and memories on her walls.

In her heart, she felt such joy to imagine filling other people’s homes with loving photos and happiness.

This desire was different then just making money, it came from a heart centered place of service. 

Think about the type of need that is out there for the service you can provide.How can you help others in a way that would give you joy?

Lastly, tune into your beliefs.

Do you actually believe that you can be successful doing work you love?

If you don’t believe that you can create abundance doing what you love for a living, then you’re not going to.

Building a belief is similar to building a muscle. If you want to build your Bicep, go to the gym. If you want to build your belief, start working some affirmations. 

To do that, repeat these affirmations as often as possible:

I can make money doing what I love. 

I can clarify my life’s work.

I can generate abundance doing what I love for a living.

If you keep this up, you’ll be well on your way to living your dreams.

With love and belief in you,

Kristen xx



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